Episode: BS 176 Seth Grant on Synapse Complexity
Pub date: 2020-09-25
This is my fifth interview with molecular biologist and neuroscientist Dr. Seth Grant from The University of Edinburgh. Dr. Grant was recently recognized for his pioneering work by the Federation of European Neuroscientists. He continues to make fundamental discoveries about the structure and function of the synapse and this month we discuss the discovery that synapse complexity and diversity is greater than expected, along with the implications of these discoveries.
Links and References:
- Seth Grant: University of Edinburgh
- FENS EJN Award 2020
- Cizeron M, Qiu Z, Koniaris B, et al. A brainwide atlas of synapses across the mouse life span. Science. 2020;369(6501):270-275. doi:10.1126/science.aba3163
- Please visit http://brainsciencepodcast.com for additonal references and episode transcripts.
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- Coming soon! episode compilations based on topic or guest. Look for all Seth Grant’s interview next month.
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